document design
For this particular client, I was in charge of all the design work for every existing and forthcoming document in the company. This included everything from one sheets and case studies to extensive power points, white papers and eBooks.
I worked closely with the writer and the marketing manager in creating these documents, always ensuring that during the transformation from a simple Word document to a visually designed piece with images, no message was lost or misunderstood.
Delta Testing: The Cutting Edge of Market Research
The creation process begins once I receive the text document. For an ebook, it's crucial that each section is properly divided, and carefully integrate icons, images, and other graphics to help the reader digest the content more easily and make it more understandable.
White Paper
Impact of Inflation on Consumer Lifestyles
For this white paper, I had to recreate each of the graphics and bar charts shown to adapt them to the document's design and color scheme. That's why it took me longer than usual, but once I saw the complete result, I completely fell in love with it.